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Life is a journey and each of us is trying to find our way to our purpose.  It all begins with a plan that requires our learning, healing and a look within.  


This particular journey began years ago before knowing that our gifts travel with us from lifetime to lifetime.  Waxing and waning as we meander along our paths learning lessons and growing into our true spiritual beings.  Within this lifetime the path leads to helping others heal and connect. 


Sacred healings that bring about a path forward through personal action and acceptance. 


Connections that help us understand that this lifetime is interwoven with those past and yet to come.  


Energetic Practices and Spiritual Connections

These offerings are meant to introduce others to the experience of healing through energetic practices and spiritual connections.


Whether it is the healing that comes through the energies of traditional and shamanic Reiki or through connecting with spirit to find comfort in messages shared by those we've known, healing begins with the action of connection.    

For that connection we reach within, into our own personal portal to our shared oneness and what is to be found beyond our current known thoughts.  We give ourselves the path and permission to heal when we surrender to our true selves for guidance to navigate our paths.

About Doris

Read.See.Feel messages from the spirit world.

My journey is a winding path that has lead me to believe in my own intuition, to see beyond the visible and connect with spirit, to know that I am a conduit for energy and to understand that I have a gift for healing practices. 


Some of my wanderings off the path have brought me knowledge of past lives, dowsing, card reading and sacred geometry.  With a few additional stops along the way in meditation and yoga. 

Now my path leads me here to this place and time to offer my gifts to others so they may enrich their own paths with growth and healing.

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